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Census of the Trees

Even if you’re doing your part by staying home to mitigate impacts of COVID-19, you can still join in.

WE ARE REACHING OUT for site guests, co-sponsors, visiting artists, scientists, educators, musicians et al for a year-long project focused on inspiring each other to connect more deeply with TREES (and with the habitats, pollinators and companions that sustain them).

  • Peach tree bud, Rebecca Arnoldi
  • Peach tree bud, Rebecca Arnoldi
  • Peach tree bud, Rebecca Arnoldi
  • Peach tree, Rebecca Arnoldi
  • bud drawing
  • Woodcut of a tree, Hanni Woodbury
  • beech tree leaves and bud
  • 2 minute tree painting by Douglas Fir, N. Nadkarni
  • Prayer for the Lungs, Amy Kandall,2020
  • maple
  • Extinction Rebellion
  • lilac
  • My Gainesborough, David Wright
  • from Among the Trees, Rebecca Arnoldi
  • the Portal, Deborah McKay
  • The Portal, Deborah McKay

Life is Not a Race - Harriet Jerusha Korim




 Start now!

  1. Connect with a nearby tree or shrub (keep safe distance from humans).
  2. Find one bud (you might tie a string under it to help you remember).
  3. Take a good look: draw or photograph changes every day or two.
  4. Share your drawings, photos & writing with You can use hashtag: #CENSUSoftheTREES


is running for one year and

began on EarthDay April 22nd, 2020


Friends of Census of the Trees

Rebecca Arnoldi

Naturalist, artist and teacher


Tree Class

Rand Burkert

Farmer and naturalist

Food Forest Initiative, Edible Cape Cod

Bunny Harvey

Artist and educator

Wellesley Emeritus Art Professor

Nature-focused Painter

Nalini Nadkarni

Forest ecologist, explorer and educator

National Geographic, For the Love of Trees


Harriet Jerusha Korim - Life is Not a Race


Nalini Nadkarni - Tapestry Thinking, TedX Talk


Climate and Trees - content for kids ages 10+


cape cool

We'd love your feedback!